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Feather River Baptist Church

Church Services

Sunday 9:30AM Adult Sunday School

Please join us at the Church as Ms. Christine leads us in the daily lessons. Please come a bit early to get your beverage and snack so we can start our lesson right at 9:30am. Our lesson will conclude promptly at 10:15am. Let's all learn more of GOD's lessons together. innocent


Sunday 9:30AM Youth Sunday School

Please join us at 9:30 AM to learn all the Bible has to offer us from Ms. Mary. Hope to see you all there. innocent

Sunday 10:30AM Sunday Morning Worship Service

Come join us for our Sunday Morning Worship Service, in person at the Church and via Facebook Live! We will sing him praises, hear the beautiful word of GOD and fellowship together. 

Sunday 5:00PM Women's Prayer Time

Please join us at the Church with Ms. Christine to fellowship and pray together. Hope to see you all there. innocent

Sunday 5:00PM Youth and Children Time

Come join us at the Church for a fun way to learn about God and the Bible. Hope to see you all there. innocent

Wednesday 6:00PM Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Come join us to learn more about the word of GOD, this Bible Study is offered in person at the Church, via Facebook Live, playback on Facebook, Zoom and playback on our Church's website. 

Other Ministries

Church Fellowship Luncheon

On the first Saturday of each month at 11:30 a.m., all of the congregation members of the Church gather together and share a meal. The restaurant choice varies each month and will be announced in our Church bulletin, which is printed every Sunday morning and placed on our foyer table. Come join us for our next gathering to spread the word of GOD, fellowship with each other and enjoy some delicious food, it is the perfect way to get to know your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.