Feather River Baptist Church Online Sermon Search
Some hints for using advanced search
The Key Words field searches both sermon titles and sermon descriptions.
Only ONE of the above fields is required to be given a value to search for; that one field can be any of the above fields. You may, of course, search on multiple fields if that helps narrow down the results to the one you want. Leave blank any search field for which you don’t care what value it has.
Being too restrictive in the search can prevent you from finding anything.
You can search for specific phrases in the Key Words field by enclosing the phrase in quotes "like this".
Complex Key Word searches may be performed using parenthesis and the words “and” or “or”. For example, enter (Jesus or Spirit) and God to find sermons containing the word God and either the word Jesus or the word Spirit or both. Enter Jesus or (Spirit and God) to find sermons containing either the word Jesus or both the word Spirit and the word God.
The Speaker Name is treated as a phrase. You may enter only part of a name and all speakers matching that part of a name, regardless of where in the speaker’s name that part exists, will be found.