Feather River Baptist Church History
Founded May 19, 1953.
The Birth of the F.R.B.C. Banners
In 1993 then pastor Michael Reed told the ladies quilting group at the church about a banner ministry from his former church in Red Bud, Illinois. He even had a book about it. That was all the prodding the ladies needed, they were ready to start. First they chose which banner to make and what materials they should use. Then they used their own money to purchase what they needed. Later the whole church got involved and donated money for materials. These dedicated women used the talents that God had given them and made these beautiful works of art that still decorate our auditorium today and tell the story of God’s names and His love for us.
In 1996 the last banner was finished, under pastor Keith Weatherly. Most of the lovely ladies that made these banners have now passed on, possibly making banners in heaven. To them all we say thank you and God bless you for your time and talent. You’ve left Feather River Baptist Church a legacy, a story that never ends.
Those who made the banners:
Ruby Schelby
Sylvia Eastep
Gladys Phillips
Mary Lou Loehr
Vicki Thompson
Lou McBee